Related peace-building organizations

  • Human Kindness Foundation

    Human Kindness Foundation builds community with people experiencing incarceration and their families by collaboratively creating and sharing resources that foster spirituality, mindfulness, and wellness.

  • Promoting Peace

    Rotary’s History of Promoting Peace

    As a humanitarian organization, peace is a cornerstone of mission. We believe when people work to create peace in their communities, that change can have a global effect.

  • Rotary Peace Center


    Each year, Rotary awards up to 130 fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of our seven peace centers, worldwide.

  • Institute for Economics and Peace

    Download the annual report here

    IEP collects data on the economic and social determinants of Peace. Their annual report includes a global index of peace indicators for 150 countries.

Links to other Rotary Clubs dedicated to Peace